Hunt with Shakerag
Come hunt with Shakerag! The Shakerag Hounds go out every Saturday (formal) and Tuesdays (ratcatcher) with some exceptions during the season.
Our cub hunting season begins on Labor Day, with our official opening day in late October. We close our season in mid-March.
Shakerag has four fields of riders to accommodate hunting experience, riding ability and fitness of both horse and rider.
The First Field: walks, trots, canters, gallops, and jumps. The field master will be careful to account for the whole field but the expectation is that riders and horses will be experienced and able to move out and keep up with the hounds.
The Second Field: walks, trots, canters, and gallops. The field master will take into account factors such as the weather and terrain when determining how fast to go but this field will also move out.
The Third Field: walks, trots, and canters. Riders should be able to handle a strong canter when required, although the pace may not require it.
The Fourth Field: primarily walks and trots. This is the field that is most likely to "hilltop" to view game and observe the hunt. A great place to start for novice foxhunters!

Requirements to Hunt
Members in good standing from recognized hunts and invited guests who are not members of a hunt.
Hunting with our club requires permission of the Masters. Guests may hunt three times during the season (September to March)
Permission of the Masters. Contact the Honorary Secretary, Tara Stricko, at 770-312-3438 or via email at
Capping Fee: Guests - $100, adults and juniors
Capping Fee: Social Members - $50, limit of 5 hunts
Current Negative Coggins, to be presented with caps to the Field Secretary
Signed Hunt Release, to be presented with caps to the Field Secretary
Review Shakerag Hounds Hunt Etiquette and Safety guidelines
Valid Georgia Hunting License (no exceptions). To be carried on your person with proper identification while hunting.
Correct attire: Either formal or ratcatcher attire is required.
Shakerag Colors – Dove Gray with
Byzantine Gold Piping.
COAT - Scarlet single breasted frock coat (black formal hunting coat or double breasted formal hunting coats are allowed) with not less than three nor more than four brass Shakerag Hunt buttons in front, two behind, and two or three small brass Shakerag Hunt buttons on the cuff. The collar of the coat should be faced with Dove Grey and outlined with Byzantine Gold piping. A white stock tie should be worn.
BREECHES - Should be white, but rust is acceptable, of heavy cord or any other heavy material.
HEADGEAR – Black velvet ASTM approved helmets with harness strongly advised. But other headgear must be appropriate for hunting tradition and safety.
BOOTS - Regulation hunting boots of black calf with brown tops. Boot garters, if worn, must match the color of the breeches.
VEST - Canary color with small brass Shakerag buttons.
WHIPS - Carried by permission of the Masters.
The attire is similar to that of gentlemen with the following exceptions:
COAT - Black single breasted frock coat, with buttons of black bone with simple initials “S.H.”. Three buttons on the front, two behind and two or three on each cuff.
VESTS – Canary vests with small brass Shakerag buttons.
BREECHES - Buff, canary, gray or rust.
BOOTS – Regulation hunting boots of black calf with Patent Leather tops.
WHIPS – Carried by permission of the Masters.
NOTE: Members who have been invited to wear colors, but who on a particular day may not wish to do so should dress according to the rules for members without colors.
COAT - Plain black hunt coat with plain black buttons. No facing on collar
BREECHES - Of heavy material in buff, canary, gray or rust.
BOOTS - Plain black calf without tops.
HEADGEAR – Black velvet ASTM approved helmets with harness.
VEST - Canary with plain brass buttons.
WHIPS - Carried by permission of the Masters.
Same as Gentleman and Ladies without colors,
but jodhpurs and paddock boots may be worn.
On certain days informal or ratcatcher attire is permissible. Only the staff may wear formal attire on such days.
Informal attire consists of black or brown topless boots, a regulation hacking jacket, turtleneck or riding shirt with stock or choker, or regular shirt and tie, regulation dark hunting cap, and buff, canary, gray or rust breeches.
Juniors should wear jodhpurs and paddock boots.